Sunday, 30 May 2010


This is A personal Views from a Child of God

How can we help, my question needs an urgent answer. I am a contributor to charities and other christian organisations, but my expectation has never been met by this charities. My greatest Eelimar are, how can I gather meaningful people to help this great country. How can we help to fight the unjust teachings directly and indirectly to the coming generations. How can we help to show these and other grown up adults children that that is a difference between right and wrong. How can we start these changes without being labeled homophobia and arrested.

Have a suggestion which had been bordering my mind forso long.

Parents- Home up-bringing

Moral teaching

Friendly interaction by God Fearing and Law abiding individuals.

In my neighbourhood, when I see children who engages in inappropriate behaviour away from their guardians site, I try to talk to them reminding them that they should not do that and keeping an arms length away from them and in may occasions my views has been respected. The children should be spoken to by their parents and this will help stop so many unacceptable behaviours. Giving name to these children are not helping the society rather its breeding more and more hooligans. If things continue at the rate and directions the way I see things everyday around my neighbourhood, the future of our country will be in tartars.
We should go back to the primary way of life before maturing into secondary. The new generations should take life slower and there less stress for them., Bad behaviour breeds bad things like stress. Stress breeds all kinds of things in the body as the body is corrupted and the sole polluted. No matter what we do, there will be judgement either soon or later and then it might be late.

When I was growing up, I never engaged in adult plays, I play with my age mates, I was not allowed to see or talk with my senior brother who gave me only few years gap. These days and age, Adults do not respect themselves.

Are we going to be ext int? perverting children to think like adults is. kind of normal . Who gives a ten year old cigar ate I may ask? Who tells under ten that everything is accepted. We adults has got a lot of questions to answer.

Let us rethink and go back to ethics of life. let a child be child and stop damaging the future generation.
2. See what is happening in the political circle. They are like fraternity who do not belief in God.
How can we be governed by unbelievers. God help us. Our children abide by their unbelieving views. They do not believe in anything and anything goes.

Let us start to rethink how we can pray to God to turn things around. The coming together of Godly people to pray for our nation on the 13th June 2010 At West Ham Stadium is a good event. As is the saying that where two are garthered they can move mountains and The God Lord will hear our cries for CHANGE AND COME TO THE RESCUE OF THE NATIONS CHILDREN

1 comment:

  1. My dream is to find a business that can give residual income and help me map out my name in life.
